Shit Javascript Coders Say

Dave Sag
6 min readMar 9, 2018

I’ve been coding in Javascript for over 20 years and I’ve got a lot of strongly held opinions based on those years of experience. I’m going to have a small rant now about stuff I see in the wild that real Javascript developers say to me, that I completely disagree with.

Maybe back in the day before ES6 syntax and modern versions of Node some of these things made sense, but now there is just no excuse.

1. Let’s use Typescript.

Seriously why the hell would you use Typescript? Oh, right, you like Angular. Nuff said.

But my IDE likes Typescript and helps me write nice clean code.

No, it doesn’t. It transpiles your code into bloated, insufferable, hard-to-debug shit. Your IDE is a crutch. Don’t treat Javascript like it’s the enemy. Stop trying to force your old Java and C# patterns onto it.

See also 2, 3, 4, and 7 below.

2. Let’s use the Flow extensions for Javascript

What part of Javascript is a weakly typed language do you not get?

Following on from the points I made in 1 above, stop being afraid of Javascript. Weak typing is a strength, not a weakness. It gives you flexibility. If you want strong typing use Go, or Java, or, hell, I dunno, Ada.

